
Research on spontaneous combustion

26 October 2021

2021 Factors contributing to spontaneous combustion of slash at skid sites Final Report.

Scion Report:


Forest Research Awards emphasise range of challenges in tree science

16 October 2019  

Joint Media Release with Forest Growers Research

Researchers in fields as diverse as nitrogen movement in forest soils, to the designer of a grapple on a helicopter to collect forest slash from vulnerable slopes, have been recognised at the Forest Growers Research Awards at Te Papa in Wellington (eds -Tuesday 15 October).

Forest industry says Te Uru Rākau expansion vital for coherent forest development

17 May 2019

Forest industry leaders say the pre-Budget announcement by Forestry Minister Shane Jones of additional regional resources for Te Uru Rākau is potentially of great benefit to regional New Zealand.

Opportunities Party identifies safe, valuable use of genetic technology

2 May 2019  

Joint Media Release with Federated Farmers

The 万能四码 and Federated Farmers congratulate The Opportunities Party for its balanced and sensible gene editing policy, which recognises the significant economic and environmental benefits gene editing technology can provide.

Call for foresters to vote on levy order

16 April 2019

The Chair of the Forest Growers Levy Trust, Geoff Thompson, says a positive vote in the current levy referendum is vital to maintain the support of government funding for the industry.

Emissions Trading announcement is incentive for farmers to plant trees

28 March 2019 

Forest owners believe the just announced reform of the Emissions Trading Scheme will encourage farm foresters and hill country pastoral farmers to plant more trees.

PCE Report needs clarity from government

26 March 2019 

Forest Owners want clarity for what New Zealand plantation forestry is expected to deliver on climate change targets.

Wood Council of New Zealand - General Meeting 20 October 2018

24 October 2018

Senior executives of the wood industry meet on 20 October in Auckland and recommitted to the objectives of a pan-industry Association of associations.