
Logger fined for failing to keep worker safe

13 June 2014

HarvestPro has been fined and ordered to pay reparations after one of its workers was hit by a log weighing more than a tonne.

Complex links between landslides and logging

6 June 2014

Having spent 16 years employed with the state's Department of Natural Resources assessing landslide risk on forestlands throughout Washington, I am all too familiar with the public perception surrounding logging and landslides.

Wellington cutting rights sale worries

17 May 2014

Some local sawmillers and iwi say the sale of cutting rights of the Greater Wellington Regional Council's forests to an overseas buyer could well have an impact on log supplies and erosion control.

Chemical-free export pathway developed for Australia

8 May 2015

Six containers of solid timber door cores have been successfully exported to Australia as part of a trial of a new chemical free trade pathway. Normally, wood and wood products exported to Australia during summer have to be treated with methyl bromide to kill any burnt pine longhorn beetles present in the shipment.

Forest offset credits join Californian carbon market

10 April 2014

The Yurok Indian tribe is the first organisation be issued with forest carbon offsets by California's cap-and-trade programme, with the tribe receiving 836,619 offsets for an improved forest management project on tribal lands.

Pinged contractors lift game

10 April  2014

Twenty-one of the 23 forestry sites shut down earlier this year for unsafe practices have since picked up their game. Only two have failed to do the work required by WorkSafe New Zealand before they can resume operations.

Govt warms to use of wood waste as heat source

7 April 2014

The government is considering whether to support an EECA idea, to create regional heat hubs, based on the use of harvest debris from plantation forests as a commercial fuel source.

Scion innovation centre funding signed off

8 April 2014

Scion and Bay of Plenty Regional Council have signed an agreement to build an innovation centre at Scion's Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park. The centre's purpose is to foster innovation in forestry and wood processing industries.

PEFC talks to NZ forestry industry

28 March 2014

The head of one of the world's main sustainable forestry certification programmes is in New Zealand meeting with industry groups to discuss how they can go about joining up.