
86% vote supports forest levy

11 April 2013

A referendum of forest growers has shown strong support for a levy on harvested forest products.

"We have been given the thumbs up to introduce a funding system that will provide greater certainty, equity and commitment for activities that benefit all growers, such as research, promotion and forest health," says Forest Growers Levy Trust chair Geoff Thompson. "At this stage, we expect the levy to be introduced on 1 January 2014."

New minister welcomes industry co-ordination

10 April 2013

The new Associate Minister for Primary Industries with responsibility for forestry, Hon Jo Goodhew, says she is looking forward to working with the forest and wood processing sector, to ensure it maintains and improves its position as one of New Zealand's key industries. 

Eucalypts project gets SFF funding

8 April 2013

The New Zealand Dryland Forests Initiative will get $216,000 of Sustainable Farming Fund money towards a three-year programme worth more than half a million dollars. 

Forest owners vote yes

3 April 2013

The Forest Voice referendum will deliver a clear yes vote in favour of a commodity levy when final results are released in a few days.

What happens to carbon credits post-Kyoto?

27 March 2013

Tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline for submissions to the government on how international carry-over rules should apply to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Forest sinks not so permanent after all

27 March 2013

A cloud hangs over the future of the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI), one of the NZ Government's flagship NZETS policies.

Forestry leads export growth surge

21 March 2013

Forestry exports in the last quarter of 2012 helped drive growth in the New Zealand economy faster than in any quarter in the last three years.  

Advocate for the healing power of wood

14 March 2013

A Canadian architect has come to New Zealand this week rooting for the use of building designs with a "feel good" factor.

New CEO for AFPA

19 March 2013

Ross Hampton, a senior manager in global networking giant, Cisco Systems, has been appointed CEO of the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA).