
Day of shame as National pulls out of Kyoto

9 November 2012

New Zealand’s international reputation has taken a massive hit today with the government’s decision to not commit to the second stage of the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, says Labour’s climate change spokesperson Moana Mackey.

Otago water plan threatens forestry in the region

26 October 2012

Changes to water quality regulations to reduce pollution from run-off could be the "death knell" of large-scale commercial forestry in Otago, says Philip Taylor, spokesperson for the Otago Forestry Group.

ETS changes will tarnish NZ's image

26 October 2012

Carbon emissions and deforestation will increase and New Zealand's pure image will be tarnished if proposed changes to the emissions trading scheme go ahead, according to lawyer and forest owner Geoff Thompson.

Prime minister fails to honour ETS promises

24 October 2012

"Why exactly does New Zealand have an Emissions Trading Scheme? Isn't it supposed to discourage emissions and encourage forestry and other low-carbon products and technologies?”

Export volumes up, prices down

20 October 2012

Total quarterly roundwood removals reached a record high of 7.4 m cubic metres in the June 2012 quarter. This was a 7.0% increase on the previous high recorded a year ago, according to figures released by the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Dunne’s decision on ETS critical

25 October 2012

United Future Leader, Peter Dunne, needs to meet with representatives from the forestry sector before the committee stages of the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, says Labour Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey.

Carbon credit price crash could force sales

25 October 2012

A crash in the price of carbon credits could force landowners who invested in new forests to sell their land, an analyst says.

Carbon plunge casts doubt on Canterbury forest

19 October 2012

A carbon farming company's plans to establish thousands of hectares of plantation forest on Kaiwarua Station in Canterbury's Hunter Hills may not proceed.

Natives may be planted at Woodhill

16 October 2012

A swathe of native trees could be planted in Woodhill forest in northwest Auckland following its return to Ngati Whatua o Kaipara as part of a Treaty settlement with the Crown.