
Japan delays ETS trading

7 January 2011

Japan has delayed the set-up of a greenhouse gas emission trading system by a year until after April 2014 in the face of strong resistance from the business lobby, according to Reuters and other news agencies.

DoC forest management contract up for tender

15 Jul 2010

The Department of Conservation is calling for tenders for the management, harvest and sale of exotic forests on the public conservation lands it administers.

Nano technology comes to wood processing

19 Jul 2010

The Canadian federal and Quebec governments are stumping up with at least $C20 million to build a demonstration plant, manufacturing nanocrystalline cellulose from wood fibre. It will have an output of a tonne of a day when it's finished in about 20 months.

Forestry Tasmania says no more methyl bromide

20 Jul 2010

Forestry Tasmania (FT) says it will no longer fumigate its logs with methyl bromide in Tasmania, after a storm of controversy over a shipment that departed Burnie last week.

WPA welcomes government’s timber treatment proposal

6 Sept 2010

The Wood Processors Association of New Zealand (WPA) and the Frame & Truss Manufacturers Association (FTMA) welcome the proposed changes to the rules for the use of treated timber in houses announced by the Minister of Building and Construction Maurice Williamson, today.


More time for sustainable forest standard

3 Feb 2003

The National Initiative Working Group (NIWG) is giving stakeholders another month to respond to the draft National Standard for Plantation Forest Management.

Scion to develop tools for gene data analysis

05 Jan 2009

A new collaborative research programme led by scientists at Crown Research Institute Scion could impact everything from the food we eat, to the things we make, and the medical diagnoses we undergo, by better managing genetic information. The project will draw on New Zealand’s most highly skilled gene mapping statisticians and geneticists from eight universities, CRIs and private companies.

Speed traps on BC forestry roads

12 Jan 2009

The government of British Columbia is training people to use radar guns on forestry roads and issue tickets -- a move which has the support of log truckers.

California carbon registry strengthened

02 Feb 2009

The California Climate Change Action Registry (CCAR) is revising the protocols of its forest project that has been operating successfully since 2004.