
Government cautious over NZ’s Kyoto surplus

15 Apr 2009

New Zealand is now expected to exceed its Kyoto target by 9.6 million tonnes – a surplus worth an estimated $241 million.

Forest will be part of ETS -- so will be farming

24 Apr 2009

Foresters can invest with some certainty in new forests, knowing the carbon removed by the trees will be recognised in some form in the future says agriculture and forestry minister David Carter. He also says forestry and wood processing has the potential to help lift New Zealand out of the recession and help drive the economic recovery.

Australian plantation group felled by debt

24 Apr 2009

Planation group Timbercorp's collapse yesterday has thrown a major part of Australia's rural industry into disarray, raising questions about the sustainability of urban-based schemes designed to minimise investors' tax liability, according to a report in The Australian.

Managed Investment Schemes sound: A3P

27 Apr 2009

Timber plantations funded through managed investment schemes (MIS) will continue to grow a large proportion of Australia’s future wood resource, despite the decision by leading agribusiness MIS manager, Timbercorp, to go into voluntary administration.

Forestry unable to absorb unemployed

28 Apr 2009

Efforts to use forestry to absorb redundant workers during the current recession will not work, a job summit here on Friday was told.

Five years of accident-free logging

30 Apr 2009

In an industry where the risk of an accident is ever-present, a Manawatu logging crew working for Ernslaw One Ltd has demonstrated the benefits of having a sound health and safety culture. The crew has just celebrated ts fifth consecutive year of accident-free operation.

FITEC 2008 graduates to be honoured

04 May 2009

FITEC is hosting nine graduation ceremonies over the next four weeks to celebrate the training achievements of more than 1500 wood industry modern apprentices and trainees, who have completed around 2000 national certificates in 2008.

Australia delays start of its ETS

05 May 2009

The Australian Government will delay the start of its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme by one year to help Australian companies manage the impacts of the global recession.

MAF report outlines challenges facing forestry

05 May 2009

A report on the state of the forestry industry released today by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) highlights the importance of the sector – but says there are challenges ahead.