
Voters reject gov't emissions tiptoe

03 Nov 2009

New Zealanders oppose nearly all the major changes the Government proposes to make to emissions trading and climate policy.

ERMA consults on methyl bromide

06 Nov 2009

ERMA New Zealand is calling for public submissions on its reassessment of the fumigant methyl bromide. The application for reassessment is being released today for public submission and includes a preliminary recommendation for tighter controls on the use of the substance.

Massive carbon forests planned by China

11 Nov 2009

China's forests will cover 20% of the country by 2010, according to a forestry development plan drawn up by the State Forestry Administration to combat climate change. By 2020, the coverage is expected to expand to 23%, and the country's stocks of standing timber will reach 14 billion cubic metres.

Latest Australian stats make grim reading

11 Nov 2009

Latest statistics from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) highlight the tough trading conditions experienced by the Australian forest and wood products industry in 2008/09.

Forest owners group to sell carbon credits to Europe

13 Nov 2009

GreenAir, a carbon credit market trader, has negotiated the sale of a parcel of New Zealand “greened” AAUs (NZUs) to a European Government compliance buyer. The transaction was the first of its kind involving multiple forestry owners.

Northland logging crews help save kiwi

13 Nov 2009

Members of the Enterprise Northland Forestry Environment Group, which covers 60-plus logging crews and several forest companies, are educating their members to locate and when necessary relocate kiwi who are living in mature forests during logging operations, according to Hugh Stringleman writing in Country-Wide newspaper.

Bioenergy crop conference in Taupo

18 Nov 2009

Land owners considering bioenergy crops have the opportunity to learn first hand from a leading international expert next month. Dr Emily Heaton, Iowa State University, will be sharing her research and experiences at a conference organised by the International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 30 in December.

Government removes biofuel emissions from ETS

25 Nov 2009

In the face of intense lobbying by the FOA and other industry groups, the government has dropped a proposal to exclude emissions from the the burning of wood waste from the ETS. The Bill is now being pushed through parliament under urgency.

Another 2000 ha of Tairawhiti hills protected

27 Nov 2009

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has approved in principle 19 new applications, worth over $3.4 million, under the East Coast Forestry Project’s (ECFP) 2009 funding round. The projects cover erosion treatments starting in 2010, 2011 and 2012.