
Ship deaths caused by lack of oxygen

05 May 2010

The men who died earlier on Monday on a log ship moored at Marsden Point, Northland, almost certainly died from a lack of oxygen.

Tasmanian industry in crisis talks

10 May 2010

Tasmania's forestry heavyweights have held an emergency meeting to discuss what they describe as a timber industry crisis.

BC forest industry enjoys upturn

13 May 2010

British Columbia's forest industry is enjoying a welcome rally but may have to wait until at least next year to blaze into full recovery, forestry experts say. The higher prices fetched by lumber, oriented strand board and pulp at the end of 2009 have spilled into early 2010, leading to better results in the quarter just ended, industry watchers told a forestry conference in Vancouver on Tuesday.

Canadian forest industry and environmental groups sign world's largest conservation agreement

17 May 2010

Today 21 member companies of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), and nine leading environmental organizations, unveiled an unprecedented agreement – the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement – that applies to 72 million hectares of public forests licensed to FPAC members. The Agreement, when fully implemented, will conserve significant areas of Canada’s vast Boreal Forest, protect threatened woodland caribou and provide a competitive market edge for participating companies.

Smith pings ACT for u-turn on carbon credits for forestry

19 May 2010

ACT's contradictory position on carbon credits for forestry undermines the credibility of its policy on the emissions trading scheme, Minister for Climate Change Issues Nick Smith says.

Red tape cut for forestry companies

21 May 2010

A pilot initiative by the Department of Conservation (DOC) will see unnecessary red tape around resource management consenting processes cut. The pilot scheme that started in November last year between DOC and Ernslaw One Limited has seen the review of ten protection management areas (PMA) that had obvious boundary inaccuracies as mapped in the Council’s Gisborne District Plan.

$1.6 billion for forest owners under ETS

24 May 2010

As part the emission trading scheme (ETS) the Government would over five years pay $1.6 billion to foresters to plant trees. It would get $900 million of this from taxpayers and $600 m from other ETS revenue gathering, prime minister John Key told TVNZ's Breakfast programme today.

Forest industry welcomes PGP funding

27 May 2010

New Primary Growth Partnership funding to improve forest harvesting technology has a huge potential to benefit the New Zealand economy and make logging safer for workers on the ground.

Steep country logging research to be funded by PGP

27 May 2010

Funding for research into steep country logging is part of the first allocation of funds from the Primary Growth Partnership.