
Buddleia bug spreading

6 April 2011

A weevil introduced in 2006 for the biocontrol of buddleia is reported to be stripping large patches of buddleia to bare stems throughout the Bay of Plenty.

ETS carbon measurement compulsory

23 March 2011

New regulations will see large forest owners in the Emissions Trading Scheme using personalised carbon measurement information for their emissions returns, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry says.

World Bank’s forest climate fund slammed

23 March 2011

A new report launched today at the 8th meeting of the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) – Smoke and Mirrors: a critical assessment of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility – reveals that the Bank is not fulfilling its promises to protect the rights of forest peoples.

Wood Processors’ Association congratulates Minister and DBH

14 March 2011

The Wood Processors’ Association of New Zealand (WPA) congratulates Minister of Building and Construction, Maurice Williamson, on the release of an overhauled timber treatment regime within the New Zealand Building Code.

Aussie carbon scheme won't encourage forest planting

16 March 2011

Growing trees is nature’s way of absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.  So most would assume that the Australian forest industry would be front and centre of the Gillard Government’s climate change policy.  They’d be wrong.

Boron treatment for wood supported

17 March 2011

The move to a single boron treatment for all enclosed timber framing is a sensible and timely move says NZ Wood, the industry’s promotional organisation.

International experience provides pointers for rebuilding Christchurch

22 March 2011

The experience of rebuilding the Italian town of L’Aquila after its devastating earthquake in 2009 showed people who have been through such disasters have a preference for timber, according to Italian engineers.

Simplifying timber treatment

14 March 2011

Treatment to protect timber from decay and insects will be simpler from 4 April, when a single class of timber treatment, H1.2, will apply to almost all enclosed timber framing.

Fisheries joins forestry in MAF

11 March 2011

Agriculture and forestry minister David Carter has welcomed a government decision to merge the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the Ministry of Fisheries.