
Paul Nicholls: NZ timber industry is thriving, not lumbering

2 June 2011

Demand for local timber is likely to reach its highest levels in years due to unprecedented pressure from the Asian market.

Hansen new WPA chair

30 May 2011

The new chairman of the Wood Processors' Association is Mark Hansen of Rosvall Sawmill. His election follows the resignation of former chair Rob Davies.

Bioenergy sustainability indicators agreed by international body

24 May 2011

Leading countries have agreed a set of sustainability indicators to inform the production and use of bioenergy, meeting repeated requests from the G8 for such guidelines.

UK to target 50% emissions cut by 2025

18 May 2011

The British Government has set a goal of halving carbon dioxide emissions by 2025, after a tumultuous week of cabinet rifts on the issue. These are the most ambitious  greenhouse gas targets of any developed country and well above the EU's target of a 20% emissions reduction by 2020.

Upper SI iwi to sign treaty forest deal

11 May 2011

Upper South Island iwi and the Crown have taken the first step towards a $48 million Treaty of Waitangi forestry settlement, according to a report by Helen Murdoch in the Nelson Mail.

Weir is Forester of the Year

10 May 2011

FOA executive council member Peter Weir is the 2011 New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF) Forester of the Year. He was presented with the award at the institute’s annual conference in Auckland last week by forestry minister David Carter. The award recognises leadership, excellence and personal integrity.

Carle, Christmas and Guild elected NZIF fellows

09 May 2011

James (Jim) Carle, Rome,  Jeremy Christmas, Rotorua and Dennys Guild, Christchurch have been elected Fellows of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry (NZIF).

Solomons still being illegally logged

09 May 2011

The Solomon Islands forestry minister, Bradley Tovosia, says that illegal logging remains a big concern in his country.