
Pacific forestry conference underway

02 May 2011

Nearly 300 forestry professionals from nearly 20 countries are meeting at Sky City, Auckland for the seventh combined conference of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry and the Institute of Foresters of Australia.  The ANZIF 2011 conference theme is Pacific Forestry – Growing a Forestry Future and is being held during the United Nations Year of Forests.

Greens: No govt plan for NZ forests

18 April 2011

The Government has no plan for the future of forestry, says Greens forestry spokesperson Catherine Delahunty.

Faux-dope a worry

19 April 2011

The 万能四码 says more action may be needed on synthetic cannabis if its use undermines the industry's health and safety rules.

Carbon offset deal could be first of many

16 April 2011

Carbon Conscious, an Australian company, is to establish a carbon forest sink near near Gisborne as part of an $11 million contract with an unnamed energy company.

Emissions down and NZ on target to meet Kyoto

16 April 2011

Climate change minister Nick Smith has welcomed reports on New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions for 2009 and the projected net position for 2008-2012 that show the Emissions Trading Scheme is working and that New Zealand is on track to meet its Kyoto commitments.

Size of forest estate near-static

15 April 2011

The area of New Zealand’s exotic forest estate area stands at approximately 1.793 million hectares, down 4100 ha (0.2 percent) on last year, according to the National Exotic Forest Description (NEFD) 2010 report, released by MAF today.

Nelson debates log barging proposal

8 April 2011

A Nelson lobby group has launched a plan to have logs barged from Rabbit Island, to the west of the city, to Port Nelson as a way to get logging trucks removed from suburban arterial roads. This would involve diverting trucks carrying export logs from the south of Nelson to a purpose-built depot on the island.

Freshwater reform report released

9 April 2011

Environment minister Nick Smith and agriculture minister David Carter have publicly released the final report of the Land and Water Forum, saying it provides a good framework for advancing water reform.

WPA farewells Chair

13 April 2011

Mark Hansen of Rosvall Sawmill has stepped in as the interim Chair of the Wood Processors' Association of New Zealand, following today's resignation of Chairman Rob Davies.