
Carbon credits can be a burden

22 March 2012

The head of the country's largest forestry company says carbon credits could be more of a burden than a blessing for many forest owners.

Engineered timber products seen as key to export growth

22 March 2012

The Forest Wood Industry is aiming to triple its roughly $4.5 billion export market over the next decade, led by the development of stronger timber products that are more resistant to earthquake damage.

Forest industry starts to unify

19 March 2012

It has taken years, but the fragmented forest industry is finally showing signs of pulling together over a common cause.

ArborGen: quicker release of new cultivars

17 March 2012

Forestry science investor Rubicon says regulatory changes in the United States will benefit ArborGen, the US-based biotech company it one-third owns.

Kiwi Green appointed boss of VicForests

12 March 2012

A Kiwi has been appointed chief executive of VicForests, the Government of Victoria's agency that manages the allocation of harvesting rights to the state's native forests.

Rail service to take logs off hill road

6 March 2012

A new rail service for logs between Wellington and the Wairarapa is expected to reduce congestion and make driving easier over the precarious Rimutaka Hill Road. However, Masterton residents still face a long wait before trucks are diverted around the town.

Forestry levy proposal gaining ground

29 February 2012

A proposed industry-wide forest levy has gained the backing of the New Zealand Farm Forestry Association's executive, representing 2000 small-farm foresters.

Tenon buys into Australia

16 February 2012

Tenon, the NZX-listed company that sells wood mouldings in the US, has bought Australian manufacturing assets in a bid to expand its business outside North America.

Government steps up border management work

16 February 2012

The Government’s three border agencies are stepping up work to improve the efficiency and co-ordination of New Zealand’s border services.