
Union drug-testing comments show ignorance of forestry

21 August 2012

Recent comments from Helen Kelly of the CTU, of TV One’s Close-Up programme show an absolute ignorance by unions of how forestry has advanced worker’s attitudes and their safety record through communities standing firm behind their peers to get drugs out of the workplace.

Kawerau to halve its newsprint output

17 August 2012

Norske Skog's Tasman mill in Kawerau has announced plans to reduce its output capacity by 150,000 tonnes, half of its current capacity.

More confirmation that the NZETS isn't working

10 August 2012

Late last Friday, the Government released NZETS 2011 Facts and Figures, a 6-page report on the progress of the NZ Emission Trading Scheme. For forest owners it is not a good read – even if it tells them what they already suspected.

Prominent climate sceptic now accepts reality

1 August 2012

After starting his own project to study global warming, a once-prominent climate change skeptic, physicist Richard Muller says he now accepts the reality of anthropogenic climate change.

Taiga fires convert Siberian forests to grassland

30 July 2012

Forest fires — spurred by hot and dry weather — have destroyed large areas of forest in Siberia.  But the Russian Government and Russia's Greenpeace are disputing the scale of destruction.

Kiwis protected in Coromandel pines

26 July 2012

A major forest owner has started a partnership with a conservation group, the Project Kiwi Trust, to monitor and protect Coromandel brown kiwi living in a large radiata pine plantation near Whitianga.

Panel exports up, log exports down

24 July 2012

Total forest product export revenues for the March 2012 quarter declined 14 per cent since the December 2011 quarter to $954 million, according to the Ministry of Primary Industries. 

Hyde fire burns Blakely Pacific forest

23 July 2012

A forest fire near Hyde, Otago, on Friday and Saturday will be the subject of an official investigation.

Logging in tropical forests can't be both sustainable and profitable

23 July 2012

The ecology of tropical hardwoods makes logging with truly sustainable practices not only impractical, but completely unprofitable, according to a new study published in Bioscience. Given this, the researchers recommend industrial logging subsidies be dropped from the UN's Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programme.