
Vandals destroy GE trial trees

13 April 2012

A field trial of genetically engineered radiata pine trees planted in a secure site at Scion’s Rotorua campus was deliberately destroyed during the long Easter weekend.

Former forestry minister dies

9 April 2012

Members of the New Zealand Institute of Forestry, Te Pûtahi Ngâherehere o Aotearoa, are saddened by news of the death of former forestry minister Sir Peter Tapsell. 

Sino-Forest restructure may see Mangakahia sold

3 April 2012

The 11,000 hectare Mangakahia forest in Northland may be sold following the demise of the Canadian listed company Sino-Forest that filed for bankruptcy protection last week.

Blaze at Pan Pac mill

3 April 2012

Napier firefighters last night battled a fire at Pan Pac Forest Products paper mill for almost four hours. The fire started in a drier at around 9.10 pm.

Record forest earnings

30 March 2012

Forestwood export earnings increased by NZ$257.5 million to NZ$4.5 billion in the 2011 calendar year, a new record. This was despite an oversupply of logs in China and continuing currency pressure in the last quarter.

UNECE/FAO launches North American Forest Sector Outlook Study

28 March 2012

The UNECE/FAO North American Forest Sector Outlook Study (NAFSOS) projects possible futures for the US and Canada in 2030. This study is a companion to the European Forest Sector Outlook Study II (EFSOS II) launched in September 2011. The study concludes that over the next decades North American forests are expected to meet increasing and sometimes conflicting environmental, social and economic demands: issues that warrant policymakers' attention.

Forestry aims at $12 billion target

26 March 2012

China's environmental concerns and growing demand for energy are a "wild card" for a long-term assessment of forest-sector market opportunities, the ForestWood 2012 conference was told last week.

Large forest debris good for stream health

27 March 2012

Large, stable logs and large branches that fall into small streams during harvest  do more good than harm, providing a win-win for both the stream and the forestry companies.