
ICFPA and FAO promote sustainable forest management as being at the heart of a new green economy

21 June 2012

Global sustainable development is the focus of the United Nations Rio+20 conference. By providing food, fuel, fiber, medicines, and other necessities, forests and the forest products industry present a solution for a viable, sustainable future for our planet and its citizens.

Forests for timber championed in Rio

25 June 2012

Sustainable forest management and the timber products it creates were championed at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, last week.

Smartphones used to fight wildfires

21 June 2012

Fire researchers at Scion have developed an android-based smart phone application that helps fire managers to predict fire behaviour.

MAF: Four years of stable harvests predicted

12 June 2012

MAF predicts the harvest from New Zealand plantation forests will be relatively stable at between 26 to 28 million cubic metres a year until 2016. Thereafter, there will be the potential to increase the harvest from maturing plantations by an additional 10 million cubic metres a year.

Rural fire research celebration and review

11 June 2012

Scion and the forest industry will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of fire research programme at the 4th Fire Research Workshop in Rotorua on 14-15 June.

Health and safety review taskforce appointed

6 June 2012

Labour minister Kate Wilkinson has announced the membership of an independent taskforce that will undertake the first wide-ranging strategic review of the workplace health and safety system in 20 years.

Barges taking load off road

6 June 2012

The number of logging trucks using Port Underwood Rd is at an "acceptable level" despite residents' safety concerns, a Marlborough District Council manager says.

Matariki selling Levin forest

30 May 2012

Matariki Forests has its Kohitere Forest, east of Levin, up for sale. The 478 ha block – 373 ha of which are planted – is one of the Horowhenua's most popular tramping and mountain biking spots.

Climate spending cut in Budget

28 May 2012

Climate change no longer has its own vote in the government’s Budget, but has been merged with Vote Environment. Budget documents show that the total appropriation for climate change policies have been cut from $9 billion this year to $7.8 billion next year.