
Latest Climate Change amendments before Select Committee

29 August 2012

Public submissions are now being invited on the Climate Change Response (Emissions Trading and Other Matters) Amendment Bill. The closing date for submissions is Monday, 10 September 2012.

New economic report set to ignite debate around lignite alternatives

29 August 2012

Hundreds of new jobs and tens of millions of dollars could be generated for the people of Southland without developing the polluting coal industry, a new economic report by BERL has found.

Report recommends wildling accord

28 August 2012

A report prepared for the Ministry for Primary Industries recommends that a national strategy be prepared for wilding conifer management. It also recommends an accord be developed between the forestry industry, Local Government New Zealand, MPI, the Department of Conservation and LINZ.

Forest biomass features in Californian bioenergy plan

28 August 2012

California has just released a 2012 Bioenergy Action Plan which aims to accelerate clean energy development, job creation, and protection of public health and safety. The plan identifies forest and wood processing biomass residues as an important source of renewable energy.

Wishy washy ETS will result in deforestation

27 August 2012

Foresters feel the watering down of the Emissions Trading Scheme has reached "overkill" level and will result in the partial deforestation of the country.

Methyl bromide reduction research gets big funding boost

24 August 2012

A multi-million dollar boost has been given to research into finding ways to make New Zealand’s log and wood exports pest-free while making less use of fumigants.

NZ wood exporters nervous of Aussie ban

24 August 2012

Australia and New Zealand have signed a pledge to work together to stamp out illegal logging, but NZ wood exporters are worried that their shipments could be caught up in an Australian ban.

Forest industry transforming itself

23 August 2012

The forest and wood processing industries are moving quickly on a strategy to transform the sector.

Australian illegal logging Bill heads for the Senate

21 August 2012

The Australian Federal Government has begun a crackdown on illegal logging with its legislation being carried by the lower house of parliament. The bill bans the import and sale of any wooden products which contain illegally logged timber.