
ETS process a rubber stamping exercise

17 October 2012

The Climate Change Response Amendment Bill reported back from the Finance and Expenditure select committee today is largely unchanged from the original, proving the truncated process to be nothing more than a rubber stamping exercise, Labour's Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.

Government to clarify use of international units in the ETS

17 October 2012

Climate Change Minister Tim Groser announced today that the Government is looking to clarify the domestic carry-over provisions in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

Groser deliberately missing the point

18 October 2012

Climate Change Minister Tim Groser has deliberately missed the point on the restriction of cheap international units into New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Labour’s Climate Change spokesperson Moana Mackey says.

Marlborough & Nelson answers for ChCh rebuild

12 October 2012

Wood buildings performed well in the Canterbury earthquakes and many Christchurch people have been asking why they can’t rebuild with wood. Nelson and Marlborough businesses plan to help provide some positive answers at a seminar being held next week.

Wanganui council forests reap $11.6m

9 October 2012

They were planted initially to stop hillside erosion and then they were seen as a way of bankrolling the city's costly wastewater treatment scheme but either way trees harvested in a joint Wanganui local body forestry enterprise has earned $11.6 million in the past 15 years.

Scion enjoys benefits of reforms


9 October 2012

Crown Research Institute Scion has completed a successful first full year under the Crown Research Institute (CRI) Taskforce reforms.  Scion chairman Tony Nowell says these reforms have made a positive difference to long-term planning, technology development and alignment of investment with the New Zealand forest industry.

New Zealand rediscovering wood among its trees

9 October 2012

While New Zealand has a world leading reputation in growing and managing renewable forests, we still have some way to go to embrace its full potential as a building material.

Global Timber and Wood Products Market Update

26 September 2012

a news brief from Wood Resources International LLC

South Korea and Japan will become large importers of pellets and energy chips in the coming decade, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly

NZ foresters implore PM to change ETS Bill

27 September 2012

In an open letter to the Prime Minister, major players in the forest industry have implored the prime minister John Key to align the Emissions Trading Scheme with those of our trading partners. In particular, they are seeking a 50 per cent cap on the use of any international carbon units, a move they describe as international best practice.